Chinese Idiom Stories
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- A Dried Fish Store (枯魚之肆)
- A Roc's Flight of Ten Thousand Li - A Bright Future (鵬程萬里)
- A Warning Taken From The Overturned Cart Ahead (前車之鑑)
- Aping a Beauty (醜女效顰)
- As Precarious As a Pile of Eggs (危如累卵)
- At Whose Hand Will The Dear Die (鹿死誰手)
- Bring The Dying Back To Life (起死回生)
- Eight Decalitres of Talent (才高八斗)
- Every Bush and Tree Looks Like an Enemy (草木皆兵)
- Everything is Ready Except the East Wind (萬事俱備 只欠東風)
- Heard On The Street And Spoken of In The Road (道聽塗說)
- Heaven's Clothes Have No Stitches (天衣無縫)
- Hide a Dagger in a Smile (笑裡藏刀)
- Honey In The Mouth And Swords In The Stomach (口蜜腹劍)
- How The Foolish Old Man Moved Mountains (愚公移山)
- If The Lips Are Gone, The Teeth Will Be Cold (唇亡齒寒)
- Ignorance of The Objective World (不合時宜)
- Indigo Blue is Extracted From The Indigo Plant (青出於藍)
- Lamenting One's Littleness before the Vast Ocean (望洋興歎)
- Like Fire and Flowering Rush (如火如荼)
- Looking for a Steed with the Aid Of Its Picture (按圖索驥)
- Official Jiang Uses Up His Talent (江郎才盡)
- On The Eastern Bed with His Stomach Exposed (袒腹東床)
- One Character is Worth a Thousand Taels of Gold (一字千金)
- One Day of Sunlight Followed By Ten Days of Cold (一暴十寒)
- One Hair From Nine Oxen ( 九牛一毛)
- One Strike Fires Up The Spirit (一鼓作氣)
- Only One Side is Willing (一廂情願)
- Paper is Expensive in Loyang (洛陽紙貴)
- Perfectly Fair and Impartial (大公無私)
- Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell (掩耳盜鈴)
- Practice Makes Perfect (熟能生巧)
- Professed Love of What One Really Fears (葉公好龍)
- Proficiency in a particular line (一技之長)
- Pulling On One's Shoe In a Melon Patch, Or Adjusting One's Cap Under A Plum Tree (瓜田李下)
- Shivering All Over Though Not Cold (不寒而慄)
- Single-hearted Devotion (專心致志)
- Songs of Ch'u on All Four Sides (四面楚歌)
- The 'You' Cannot Decide (猶豫不決)
- The Affair of The East Window Is Exposed (東窗事發)
- The Bird Jingwei Trying To Fill The Sea (精衛填海)
- The Broken Mirror is Put Back Together (破鏡重圓)
- The Conceit of The King of Yelang (夜郎自大)
- The Courtyard Is As Crowded As a Market Place (門庭若市)
- The Debt Platform is Built Up High (債臺高築)
- The Donkey In Ancient Guizhou Has Exhausted Its Tricks (黔驢技窮)
- The Fox Borrows The Tiger's Power (狐假虎威)
- The Fox Is Sad At The Death of The Hare (兔死狐悲)
- The Frog in the Shallow Well (井底之蛙)
- The Gentleman On The Beam (樑上君子)
- The Horse Which Does Harm To The Herd - A Black Sheep (害群之馬)
- The Host of The East (東道主人)
- The Hounds Are Killed For Food Once All The Hares Are Bagged (兔死狗烹)
- The King's Seabird (魯侯養鳥)
- The Latecomers Surpass the Old-timers (後來居上)
- The Man of Ch'i Fears That the Sky Will Fall (杞人憂天)
- The Measurements Are More Reliable (愚人買鞋)
- The More One Tries to Hide a Mistake, The More It Is Exposed (欲蓋彌彰)
- The Old Horse Knows The Way (老馬識途)
- The Old Man Under The Moon (月下老人)
- The Old Man Who Lost His Horse (塞翁失馬)
- The Plum Tree Sacrifices Itself For The Peach Tree-Sacrifice Oneself For Another Person (李代桃僵)
- The Prime Minister's Gift (無功不受祿)
- The Snipe and The Clam Have a Quarrel (鷸蚌相爭)
- The Wolf and The Bei Make Mischief (狼狽為奸)
- Three People Make a Tiger (三人成虎)
- Three in the Morning and Four at Night (朝三暮四)
- To Ask a Fox for Its Skin (與狐謀皮)
- To Attempt To Go South by Driving the Chariot North (南轅北轍)
- To Attract Jade by Laying Bricks (拋磚引玉)
- To Be Able To Catch Sparrows On the Doorstep (門可羅雀)
- To Be As If Sitting On a Bed of Needles (如坐針氈)
- To Be Behind Sun Shan (名落孫山)
- To Bend The Chimney and Move The Firewood (曲突徙薪)
- To Break The Cauldrons And Sink The Boats (破釜沈舟)
- To Bring Disaster Upon The Fish (殃及池魚)
- To Carve a Mark in the Boat And Look For the Sword (刻舟求劍)
- To Contradict Oneself (自相矛盾)
- To Draw a Snake and Add on Feet (畫蛇添足)
- To Fluff Up the Pillow And Have a Good Rest (高枕無憂)
- To Hang Books On The Ox's Horn (牛角掛書)
- To Have So Much Fun That One Forgets About Shu (樂不思蜀)
- To Have an Image of Bamboo In One's Mind (胸有成竹)
- To Knot Grass and Carry a Ring (結草銜環)
- To Look At Someone With New Eyes (刮目相看)
- To Lose The Sheep On A Forked Road (歧路亡羊)
- To Make The Fish Sink And The Goose Fall (沈魚落雁)
- To Make Up the Number in the Yu Ensemble (濫竽充數)
- To Mistake The Reflection of The Bow For a Snake (杯弓蛇影)
- To Mow The Grass And Scare The Snake (打草驚蛇)
- To Neglect The Root And Attend To The Tip (捨本逐末)
- To Offer The Warmth Of The Sun (獻曝之忱)
- To Proffer a Birch and Ask For a Flogging (負荊請罪)
- To Quench One's Thirst By Thinking of Plums (望梅止渴)
- To Quit Halfway Down the Road (半途而廢)
- To Repair The Fence After Losing The Sheep (亡羊補牢)
- To Return the Jade Intact To Chao (完璧歸趙)
- To Seek Small Gains But Incur Big Losses (貪小失大)
- To Show Off One's Skill With an Axe In Front of Lu Ban's Door (班門弄斧)
- To Sleep On Brushwood And Taste Gall (臥薪嘗膽)
- To Speak Like a Flowing River (口若懸河)
- To Strive For Words and Struggle for Reason (強詞奪理)
- To Swallow Dates Whole (囫圇吞棗)
- To Take By Treachery And Seize By Bullying (巧取豪奪)
- To Try To Help The Shoots Grow By Pulling Them Upward (揠苗助長)
- To Walk Rather Than Ride (安步當車)
- To Watch The Dust Settle And Be Unable To Catch Up (望塵莫及)
- Treat Each Other With Respect (相敬如賓)
- Unclear And Able To Go Either Way (模稜兩可)
- Utopia (世外桃源)
- Very Intelligent in Youth (小時了了)