
有一天,夜郎國國王與部下巡視國境的時候,他指著前方問說:「這裡哪個國家最大呀?」部下們為了迎合國王的心意,於是就說:「當然是夜郎國最大囉!」 走著走著,國王又抬起頭來、望著前方的高山問說:「天底下還有比這座山更高的山嗎?」部下們回答說:「天底下沒有比這座山更高的山了。」後來,他們來到河邊,國王又問:「我認為這可是世界上最長的河川了。」部下們仍然異口同聲回答說:「大王說得一點都沒錯。」從此以後,無知的國王就更相信夜郎是天底下最大的國家。
The Conceit of The King of Yelang
During the Han dynasty, there was situatied in the southwest part of China a very tiny kingdom known as Yelang. In the country side of Yelang, there lived a girl who went to the river each day to wash clothes. One day while at the riverside, she suddenly noticed a large piece of bamboo blowing towards her, from inside of which came the sound of a child crying. The girl opened up the bamboo and found inside a baby boy, which she very happily took home with her.
After the little boy grew up, he became the king of Yelang. Although Yelang was very small, the king was extremely arrogant. He once asked an envoy from China, "Which country is bigger - China or Yelang?" The Chinese envoy could not help laughing at him.
Today, a person who is very arrogant can be said to be "as conceited as the king of Yelang."