Chinese Idiom Stories





顏黜神色自若地說:“當然有,秦國進攻齊國的時候,秦王曾下過這樣兩道命令:‘誰敢在柳下季墳墓五十步以內的地方砍柴,格殺勿論! 誰能砍下齊王的腦袋,就封為萬戶侯。’由此看來,一個活著的君主的頭,竟然連一個死的士人墳墓都不如啊。”




To Walk Rather Than Ride

Yan Ju was a very famous person who lived during the Warring States Period in the Kingdom of Ch'i. One time, the king of Ch'i said to him, "Yan Ju, come here." Yan Ju not only refused to go, but said to the king, "King, you come here!" The king was very displeased, and the other ministers all asked Yan Ju how he could speak so rudely to their monarch. Yan Ju replied, "If I were to go over to see the king, this would show that I admired power. But if the king comes to see me, this will show that he resepects men of virtue. Which would you perfer?"

Later, the king issued an order for everyone to be especially polite to Yan Ju, and promised him goo things to eat and to wear, as well as a comfortable place to live. But Yan Ju said, "I am a person who prefers to wear simple cottom garments and does not like to eat meat. I wish to walk rather than ride, and go home to support myself."

Today, a person who is thrifty and not greedy can be said to prefer to "walk rather than ride."

依筆劃 (number of strokes)

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