Welcome to Cherri's Diary!
- 24 Jun 2010 拔牙齒
- 14 Mar 2010 Making Pizza @ Pizza Hut
- 28 Feb 2010 昂坪360上遠望Suparmi姐姐
- 24 Feb 2010 銀禧校慶陸運會
- 23 Jan 2010 有人歡笑有人愁
9 Apr 2006 - 鴿子園?

the invisible man 14 Apr 2006, 23:25:05
how is it possible for such a little baby to write this kind of diary?
you tell me
Daddy 29 Apr 2006, 18:43:45
Of course such little baby does not know how to write the diary. We just try to imagine what she is thinking at that experience and make the diary more funny and interesting. I hope you would like to read diary in this style.
You are welcome to give us more suggestions or comments. Thanks!
Powered by Teca Diary © 2003 Teca-Scripts.com.
how is it possible for such a little baby to write this kind of diary?
you tell me
Daddy 29 Apr 2006, 18:43:45
Of course such little baby does not know how to write the diary. We just try to imagine what she is thinking at that experience and make the diary more funny and interesting. I hope you would like to read diary in this style.
You are welcome to give us more suggestions or comments. Thanks!