Chinese Idiom Stories



「結草」的典故見於《左傳.宣公十五年》。公元前 594年的秋七月,秦桓公出兵伐晉,晉軍和秦兵在晉地輔氏(今陝西大荔縣)交戰,晉將魏顆與秦將杜回相遇,二人撕殺在一起,正在難分難解之際,魏顆突然見一老人用草編的繩子套住杜回,使這位堂堂的秦國大力士站立不穩,摔倒在地,當場被魏顆所俘,使得魏顆在這次戰役中大敗秦師。






To Knot Grass and Carry a Ring

During the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived in the kingdom of Chin a man named Wei Ke, whose father had a young and very beautiful concubine. After his father grew old and fell ill, he told Wei Ke that after his death, his son was to marry the concubine into a suitable family. Later, when his illness had grown worse and he was in a state of delirium, he said that he wanted the girl to commit suicide and he buried with him. Wei Ke felt that he should obey what his father had said when he was fully conscious, and so he married the girl into a nice family. Later, Wei Ke was in a battle which he was about to lose, when suddenly he saw an old man come tie a knot in the grass in front of his enemy, His enemy's horse tripped over the knot, and Wei Ke won the battle. That night, Wei Ke had a dream that the old man came to him and said, "I am the father of the concubine, come to repay you for not burying my daughter with your father."

During the Han dynasty, there lived a man named Yand Bau, who was very king and sympathetic. When he was a boy, Yang Bau once came across an injured sparrow. He saved the little bird, and treated its wounds. Many years later, this little sparrow brought Yang Bau a ring of jade.

Therefore, "to knot the grass and carry a ring" means to repay someone for a kindness.

依筆劃 (number of strokes)

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