
Kaka*   21:55, Dec 30,2004
恭喜 =)

so cute ya!!

仲有. 祝BB 快高長大. 身體健康. God Bless.
Doris   22:23, Dec 30,2004
看了 Kevin + Noel's 小靖兒的網頁, 不知怎的, 覺得好感動...
BaBa, MaMa, BB, 加油啊~~~~
Genevi鋦e   MSN  12:48, Dec 31,2004
This is the best idea I never tough. Good job Kevin. Congradulation for the baby Noel. Happy new year to the family.
Kaman     12:26, Jan 2,2005
Congratulation to your new born baby girl
衷心祝福您們生活愉快, 幸福快樂!
Kitty     1:18, Jan 2,2005
靖兒好可愛啊, 新一年要健健康康, 快快樂樂成長啊~
細姑媽     14:03, Jan 7,2005
CC   MSN  21:56, Jan 7,2005
Kevin, Noel, Congratulations!! She is so cute...

Hello 靖兒,
Fanny and I are looking forward to see you ar...
細姑媽   MSN  11:17, Jan 11,2005
快高長大 ar,Cherri
Auntie Christine?!!?!     23:23, Jan 12,2005
hihi Little Cherri, I've just browse through all your pics, video and the diaries of your Mommy Daddy ~~ So excited to see that you are growing up everyday nicely and healthily, esp. the numerous gestures of yours.. like how you yawns keke... enormous thanks to Mommy Daddy ne !

By the way, gotta let you know here that Auntie (?!?!? again..) Agnes & I are the first Aunties who met Mommy at KW Hospital after your birth lea... what an honour of we two =D Yet couldn't see you then coz you were 'locked up'.... hahaaa ask Mommy bah~

Have been planning to see you again for long but still couldn't make a time yet; Yet have tentatively scheduled for it after consulted Mommy just now.... can't wait to see you, and you gotta get 'fatter' and 'whiter' then la ^^
Paggie   12:10, Jan 19,2005
Such a cute baby and a nice website! Wish little Cherri grows healthily and happily! We (the aunties!? ) should find a day and visit you!! Hehehee~~

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