Hi Kevin
would like to check with u,is there any english version for that "little fox" web site?
偶然發現這裏....謝謝你們!我甥女很喜歡....特別是english child songs......好好聽好好睇...那裏有得買....好想購買一套.....可否告之..........................謝謝!!!!!
Hello ... Kevin
How are you and family? How is the weather there? Thailand at Phuket is very hot TO hotter ..... yr. eyes cannot look around without sunglasses 555 . Hope yr. daughter will be fine ....
miss u always when we open this web.
你o地囡囡個 website 好正呀!!! 你o地兩公婆都係 web designer? 如果係都幾好, 同行一定會明白對方多d.
其實我都整緊個 web, 好想整 guest book, 可否話比我知係邊度可以搵度呢樣o野? 你o地o既 guest book 係咪要比錢o既? 因為唔見有其他廣告, 所有好正呀!!
我 bookmark 左 cherri website 嘞, 得閒一定成日上嚟睇.
Hello...你好呀...你的website好professional,informative,creative.....wow...總之係正啦!! 你真係好有心機呀!! 我個仔而家4個月大呀..遲d有時間,一定會俾佢睇你個website,聽下歌仔呀!! 真係好有用,好方便呀!!! Thank you very much!!!
Hello, I am a teacher, I am glad to find this website, the songs are eloquent, so lovely, if you can gather the songs and the themes in a VCD, I think that I will buy it, as I have a baby girl who is only 5 months old, when she listened to the songs, she is very happy.
Will you gather all the songs and the song's animations into a VCD ? ^^