Cherri's Guestbook

Vivian Lui   11:23, Mar 1,2006  Edit

Dear Cherri Mam,

Thank you very much for posting such good e-songs in your baby's website.  My 14 months daughter loves it very much.

In this website, I can find how much you love your child and how clever you are.  This mush spend you lot of time to build it up.

May I ask you how can I play those e-songs in my TV ?  Can I copy these into a DVD-rom and How ?

All the Best wish to Your Lovely Baby Cherri  ^_^ !

Vivian Lui

ReplyDear Vivian,

Your daughter is the same age as Cherri, have you joined the 0412 mother club in Baby-Kingdom?

Actually, many people asked me how to burn the e-songs into a disc to play in video player. I found a software call "Magic SWF2AVI" that is recommended by a mummy in Baby-Kingdom, but I've never tried it. Maybe you can try.

Donna Yan   17:59, Feb 13,2006  Edit

恭喜發財!! 恭喜發財!! 祝囡囡身體健康, 聰明伶俐啦, 囡囡越來越似你呢, 好得意呀, 幾時帶出來見下呀, 好想搣下佢呀, 卡卡


妳幾時想來見下我個囡囡就 call 我啦!一般工餘時間我都得閒架!

Selina   ICQICQ  13:57, Feb 1,2006  Edit
Dear Noel,
我收到您的利是呀, 很多謝您啊!
Cherri怎樣呢? 依然是活潑可愛, 人見人愛對嗎? 有沒有常常扭計呀?
祝 新年快樂平安, bb快高長大!

Hi Selina,

You are welcome! We haven't seen each other for quite a while already. Let me come and visit you some time~

Cherri is healthy and happy, very mischievous though, walking like a penguin now. You must laugh when you see her!

Wish you a happy and sweet new year!

Ruby & HEKO   12:59, Jan 3,2006  Edit





Wendy   10:36, Nov 28,2005  Edit


我個囡囡好鍾意你website d e-song呀, 我想問吓可以係邊度dowload 到 d 甘靚的e-song呀, 我想燒落dvd度被囡囡係電視度睇呀



Hi Wendy,

因為那些 E-Songs 係 Flash 格式, 這是專為網絡或電腦上播放。而燒落 DVD 是需要 AVI 或其他 Video 格式,所以未必可以燒落DVD 在 DVD 機播!Sorry!

Joey   19:08, Nov 24,2005  Edit
我係一個BK 的媽咪, 看msg 時, 偶然發現你這hp!
你個hp 好靚呀, 睇到你放左好多心機去做! 仲有...好多元化呢...
尤其個e-songs, 我仔仔睇到停唔到呀!
不過...我有D野想指教你呀~ 我send 左個email 去"" 呀,
你check 下呀~~

我都有去睇你個仔仔的網頁呀!個私人理髮室好好玩好得意呀!這個 Idea 真係唔錯。還有讓我看到賭神再現,好厲害呀! 真係要向景祐多多學習。

EC   9:25, Nov 18,2005  Edit

I happened to find your website from BK.   That's such a great website!  I can see how much you love your girl Cherri from the website.  It's filled with love.  Cherri is proud to have you as mammy & daddy!  Wish little Cherri healthy, happy and beautiful!


Hi EC, thanks for your visit and wishes.
I think every have parents' kid is bliss during the parents' look after and fill full with love, because all parents are love their kid a lot. That's why you did a great job for your son's website too.

Wish Ho Lam healthy and happy everyday too!

Chu Sir   8:53, Nov 12,2005  Edit
祝 Cherri 爸爸今日生日快樂!!

謝謝朱Sir, 更加謝謝你為爸爸按排的生日晩宴,我們一家都食得和玩得好開心呀!

Uncle Philip     22:25, Oct 11,2005  Edit

Little Cherri,

You must eat more food. You are still so thin ah!


Dear Uncle Philip,

Yes, what a pity I am so little and tend to thin. Luckily, I am still good develope and clever enough.  Don't be too worry about me.

Lausann   12:03, Aug 20,2005  Edit

hI Babe,

You are growing so fast and beautiful, yeah, and cute off course !!!!  Want to see more pics from you in the future.  Be good and healthy !!!!

ReplyThanks Lausann, I want my daddy help me take more pretty pictures in the future too. I'd like to share all my happiness to you all.

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