Cherri's Guestbook


your website is wonderful! My baby is now at his 5 months old but we don't have much time to design such a website for him. I have downloaded quite a number of songs from other websites but I can't follow some of them. Love to see all the words in the songs so that I can sing along with my son. Thank you so much!

你的兒歌 , 好好聽 ar , 我的baby 巳9個月 , 我昨天播放比佢聴 , 佢座定定望著和聆聽 , 除了歌仔好聴 , 還有公仔可愛 .
請你告訴我, 怎樣先可以擁有這些兒歌........

Thanks for your sharing. Your website is wonderful!!
I would like to download 閃閃兒歌. How can I do that? Pls reply by email.

Your web-site is wonderful. I love very much. I hope my company web-site can download this songs . Because my web-site have many members so I hope you can help me and give many people to know the best things. Thanks!
God bless you!